Study: Is Post-wedding Weight Gain A Thing?

File this under Things We Wish Werent True But Come As No Surprise: A new study is the latest to confirm that a brides I dos are often followed by an increase in eek lbs. A Daily Mail article summarizes the Australian study, which consisted of a survey of 350 brides about their post-wedding weight gain. Mainly: Six months after their weddings, participants had gained on average of 4.7 lbs. Dieting brides who lost weight before the wedding gained an average of 7.1 lbs. Brides who had been pressured to lose weight before their Big Day gained an average of 9.9 lbs almost three times more than brides who were not pressured.
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Dieting is more than calories in, calories out

An employee puts the finishing touches to food sample plates made of vinyl at the Iwasaki Co., LTD sample food factory on March 3, 2014 in Yokohama, Japan.

And as your weight increases gradually, your confidence and happiness decrease gradually, and you really don’t notice it. Sandra Lewis says: I went to the doctor about something, and he suggested I could do with losing a bit of weight, and I remember coming home to my husband and saying, ‘how dare he!’ But when I went to Weight Watchers, and reached my goal … I’ve got mirrored wardrobes, and I remember coming home and standing there, going ‘welcome home, San.’ So how do they do it? By not thinking of it as a diet, but as a different way of living; not thinking of restrictions, thinking of abundance. dr oz garcinia cambogia They’re all foodies, they insist: nobody on Weight Watchers ever stopped enjoying food. I personally think it’s something else: the energy and fellowship of women with a shared purpose, in a really good mood.
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