Abdominal Fat More Than Triples Memory Loss And Dementia Risk

Fat loss: Eat the right food at the right time

Researchers explain that this is because, according to recent evidence, a faulty fat metabolism affects memory Garcinia Cambogia and learning. More precisely, it appears that the same protein that is in charge of controlling fat metabolism in the liver can also be found in the hippocampus, which happens to be the brain area in charge or controlling memory and learning. The researchers theorize that people who carry high amounts of abdominal fat in their middle age have less of this protein and that, in time, this leads to their developing memory loss and dementia, EurekAlert reports. The researchers wish to further investigate this link between fat and a higher risk for memory loss and dementia, and hope that they will be able to figure out a way to reduce people’s risk of developing these conditions. We need to better understand how fat is connected to memory and learning so that we can develop effective approach to protect memory and learning, said researcher Kalipada Pahan with the Rush University Medical Center.
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Researchers say high amounts of abdominal fat up dementia and memory loss risk

Learning how to burn belly fat will depend on the patient’s health history and physicians will consider any internal imbalances or improperly functioning organs when determining the most effective treatments and supplements for each patient’s medical weight loss diet. Any prescription hormone treatments or supplements patients include in their low fat diet can also be ordered over the phone or internet and will be shipped directly to the patient’s front door, eliminating any need to travel to a medical weight loss clinic. Diet Doc understands that many of their clients in Los Angeles do not have a professional health or medical background and may need assistance in creating a low fat diet that works for them. Diet Doc’s certified nutritionists will spend time educating their patients on healthy, low calorie foods that are dense in essential elements and minerals but that will not contribute to weight gain. In fact, many low fat diet foods actually encourage the body to burn excess, stored fat for energy and increase the speed that patients are able to burn belly fat and lose weight.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.tmcnet.com/usubmit/-medical-weight-loss-low-fat-diet-programs-that-/2013/10/10/7469906.htm

Medical Weight Loss and Low Fat Diet Programs that Burn Belly Fat Fast

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Omega-3 fats are also known to reduce the risks of various diseases like diabetes , cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Mid afternoon snack: To keep up the body’s metabolism and to avoid an energy slump, one needs to eat a balanced snack. To promote more fat loss, it is wise to include nuts and seeds, the right source of good fats, with a tiny proportion of proteins. You can also eat a small portion of good medium GL carbs like brown rice poha and rye bread. The best choice of protein at this time would be casein, in the form of homemade paneer, chicken or tofu. Slow released sugars in the form of fibrous carbs like vegetables, cereals like quinoa and amaranth would assist in the steady glycogen reserves of the liver. Monounsaturated fats like rice bran oil, olive oil, which are steady oils oxidise very slowly and ideally should be consumed.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/diet/Fat-loss-Eat-the-right-food-at-the-right-time/articleshow/22542798.cms

B Vitamins Shown To Reduce Stroke Risk

“They produce energy in our cells. They are water-soluble vitamins , which means if you take in too much, they are usually excreted by the kidneys. The exception is B12.” For maximum bioavailability and effectiveness, it is crucial to supplement only with whole food-based, full-spectrum B vitamins rather than the more common synthetic varieties. When regular foods in your diet do not provide enough natural vitamin B , whole food-based B vitamins can bridge the gap and provide therapeutic doses for maximum health benefits.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.naturalnews.com/042200_B_vitamins_stroke_risk_cardiovascular_health.html

Taking Vitamins Essential for Many

But a large-scale, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of more than 14,000 U.S.malephysicians 50 years orolder, which was published in theJournal of the American Medical Associationin November 2012, suggeststhat taking a daily multivitamin may reduce the incidence of cancer in some men. For everyone else, he relates, it depends on a number of elements. “Should you be taking vitamins?”asksDr. Park.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://news.yahoo.com/taking-vitamins-essential-many-172900404.html